Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thank You!

Re: Welcome to the Family!
2/4/15 - 10:00 AM

Good Morning!

Happy Hump Day, Stanley! I have most excellent news for you! As you may already know, our "Join the Family - 2k15" Contest has come to an end, and it's been a most exciting experience for everyone involved! I told my boss that you were a prime example of the everyman that Zenith aims to serve every day! I definitely think he agreed, as you have been selected as one of our many winners! Isn't that great?? Congrats!

So, what does this mean?? 

Well, your exclusive Zenith product will arrive at the address you provided in your initial e-mail to our company. If the address you sent us is wrong, please reply immediately to change it to the correct and current version. We highly advise you to consistently update your blog throughout the product testing, especially me! I just love reading what you have to say around here!

Also, side note, I am currently pulling a few strings to get you an added bonus! I can't exactly say what it is yet, as I don't want to jinx anything! However, if all goes well, I think you will be over the moon with joy! Like I said, I'm rooting for you! 

You're the man, Stan!

Have a Bright and Sunny Day! From all of us here at Zenith!


Oh my goodness...

I don't know what to say, haha! I'm super happy to be representing Zenith in such a great way. I will be keeping a very close eye on the mail in the meantime! I know you guys are local so it shouldn't take too long, but that is not going to stop me from being very impatient and anxious! I can't wait until Heather gets back from work so I can tell her all about this!

And? An? Added? Bonus???

Way to kick up my anxiety! I cannot wait!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!